Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Autism centre is a welcome addition

YOUNG people and adults with autism are set to benefit from a new centre opening in Hessle.

The Find charity was set up by parents in 2002 to support young people and adults with severe learning disabilities in Hull and the East Riding.

Now, the day centre is being created by the charity in Hessle for people with autism spectrum disorder and learning disabilities.

It will enable those who attend the centre to learn life skills such as cooking.

The idea was the brainchild of Sally Stoakes, 54, of Hessle, whose son, Cambell, 20, has to make the 120-mile round trip in a taxi to a day centre in Wakefield every day.

Cambell has severe autism, a lifelong developmental disability, and Sally said there were no services available locally for his age group.

She said she even considered funding a facility herself before the charity took on the project.

Now, Sally has become a trustee of Find and said she is thrilled a centre is going to open on her doorstep.

Sally said: "It's brilliant.

"Cambell lives at home and should be able to access the local community.

"It should be local and we want people to be part of the community.

"Cambell will never be able to look after himself.

"But the more he can do for himself, the happier he is.

"Although the centre was my idea, the best thing is that the Find charity have run with it.

"It's a far superior service that we can offer together, rather than me doing it on my own."

The centre in The Hourne, which is expected to open in September, will include a common room, as well as rooms for learning, computers, art, music and movement, and office space.

When it opens, the centre will be available to the young people and adults for up to five days-a- week throughout the year.

Structured programmes of activity will be tailored to their individual needs and will be provided in a calm environment that will help to develop life, social and creative skills.

Jayne Jack, one of the trustees at the charity, said: "It's going to be a local service for local people.

"While there is a gap in services, we want to try and plug that gap."

To find out more about the service, call Sally on 07910 859077 or Jayne on 07765 492559.


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