Monday, June 13, 2011

A doubleheader with a double dose of stars: Tribe memories

Here is Monday's essay by John Markowski of Concord.

williams-swing-redsox-vert-ap.jpgView full sizeTed Williams put on a show during a July doubleheader in 1957, but the Indians fans still celebrated a sweep.

This spring, we asked readers to tell us their best memory at an Indians game. More than 600 responded. All season, The Plain Dealer will publish fan memories -- one each day the Indians are scheduled to play. Here is Monday's essay by John Markowski of Concord:

Growing old, I look back and think of the many events that helped shape my life: my father's return from the World War II, playing baseball in my youth, returning whole from Vietnam, marriage, children and now grandchildren.

One of these events that will always be special to me was when my father took me to see my first game in 1957. We didn't have a lot of extra cash in those days. It was a Sunday doubleheader against Boston. I can't recall who pitched the second game for Cleveland, but I'll never forget the first.

There I sat watching the great Bob Lemon working against Ted Williams. I had their baseball cards! Like many young lads in those days, I knew each player's batting average and pitching record. I remember Williams sending a couple of homers out of Municipal Stadium that day. Wish I could remember who won that game. Dad lived to a good age of 92 and was an Indians fan until his final year. Go Tribe!

(Editor's note: On July 14, 1957, John Markowski and his father watched the Indians sweep the Red Sox by scores of 3-2 and 17-4. Ted Williams homered in the first game against Bob Lemon, and had a pinch-hit homer in the nightcap. In the second game, the Indians had 20 hits -- two doubles and 18 singles -- in scoring 17 runs.)


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