Thursday, May 19, 2011

A life-changing couple of days

Staff at Leicester's fostering and adoption centre say they have been "absolutely inundated" with calls in response to our Changing Children's Lives campaign.

The campaign was launched on Monday, aiming to inspire as many people as possible to become a foster or adoptive parent in the next six months.

The centre, in Friar Lane, which usually gets about 50 inquiries a month, received 35 calls within two days of the campaign launch.

Inquiry officer Fiona Byron said the team were nursing sore throats after spending days talking to readers who think they could be a foster carer or adoptive parent.

"We have been in overdrive since Monday – it's been absolutely fantastic and long may it continue.

"I've brought in fruit tea for my throat to cope for the rest of the week – I don't think I have ever spent so much time on the phone. We've been inundated.

"Many people have called up after seeing the gorgeous picture of the lovely girls on the front of the paper, or little Thomas, who was pictured inside.

"Some of the callers had been thinking about it for some time but the campaign has given them the little push they needed.

"It has been brilliant – the callers have been so enthusiastic and really keen to find out more.

"I have a feeling some people who read about the launch may well put it to one side while they think about it. It may well be weeks, or even years before they get in touch.

"We hope the calls keep coming."

On Monday, we featured three sisters Lucy, Stacey and Felicity, who needed a new loving family.

We also told the story of Thomas, an energetic five-year-old desperate for a mummy and daddy to call his own.

They are just four of about 60 youngsters in Leicestershire who need an adoptive home or long-term foster family.

One foster mum, who has three sisters under her wing, said she was happy the campaign had got off to a good start.

The 46-year-old said: "I'm really glad people have started to call in to the centre. I hope something good comes of the campaign and the girls get the home they deserve."

Paul Morley, publicity officer for the fostering and adoption centre, said: "We are delighted with the response we have had.

"People have told us how moved they have been to learn there are so many local children who need families in our area.

"Not everyone who calls decides to go on to foster or adopt. So it is vital for anyone who has ever thought about caring for a child to still get in touch.

"We know taking the first step can seem like a big thing to do.

"I'd like to reassure people that, to start with, all we will do is answer any questions you have and give you all the information you need to make your own mind up. Please call us and get the facts about fostering and adoption. It could be the best thing you ever do in your life."


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