Sunday, April 3, 2011

'Fantastic' for 100 years old!

Waltzing pensioner Mary Coles celebrated her 100th birthday yesterday – and claims the secret to her long life is plenty of coffee and biscuits.

Mary attends sight loss charity Vista's social and activity groups every Thursday, and celebrated her milestone with 18 blind and partially-sighted friends, who attend the group with her.

The day included lunch and cake followed by drinks and a dance, with Mary herself getting up for her favourite waltz.

Mary was born in a village in Northampton, the youngest of 13.

She began work in private service in London, as a parlour maid, before being evacuated to the Midlands.

After moving to Leicester, she worked as a signal lamp controller on the railways which she enjoyed as she met a wide range of people.

Cath Bayley, Vista's volunteer service co-ordinator, said: "Mary has been coming to Vista for a few years and shows her continued support. She is a joy to have here and fantastic for 100 years old!"


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