Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Gridlock grips drivers as roadworks begin

Motorists are being urged to avoid one of the main routes into Leicester while roadworks are carried out.

Rush hour drivers faced long traffic jams yesterday as highways engineers closed off the junction of Sanvey Gate and Northgate Street.

It will remain shut until Friday morning while Leicester City Council carries out a scheme it says will improve traffic flows at the junction at peak times.

It is the main route from Leicester city centre to the M1 north of the city.

Yesterday commuters heading into the town centre faced early morning tailbacks from the closed junction all the way back to Blackbird Road.

A city council spokesman said people should avoid the road for the rest of the week. He added: "The first day of a roadworks scheme usually is the worst for traffic as some drivers might not be aware of what is happening or might have forgotten.

"Hopefully over the next few days people will take a different route into town.

"By Friday we should be done and traffic should run a lot smoother."

Motorist Kim Maggliore, 25, from Coalville, drives into Leicester daily for her job as a fitness instructor. She said: "It's a bit of a pain to be sitting in traffic but hopefully when they are finished my future journeys will not take as long."

Teacher Jim Cooper, 50, from Anstey, was also stuck in the jams. He said: "It's a rubbish junction at the moment – very frustrating – so I'm glad it will be sorted."

Source: http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/32715/f/503348/s/1255afd7/l/0L0Sthisisleicestershire0O0Cnews0CGridlock0Egrips0Edrivers0Eroadworks0Ebegin0Carticle0E31647670Edetail0Carticle0Bhtml/story01.htm

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