Monday, January 24, 2011

Tories start search for elected mayor candidate

Leicester's Conservative has begun the process of selecting its candidate to become elected mayor.

The group has decided to open up the field of potential candidates to supporters as well as paid-up members in a bid to get a wide section of potential candidates.

Party members will select their preferred candidate on February 22, ahead of the May 6 election.

Neighbouring county Conservative Associations have also been formally notified in case there is interest in standing from county residents, who work in the city but do not live here.

Association chairman Roman Scuplak said: "There is considerable concern in the city that Labour has forced through a change in the city's governance in less than three weeks in order to prevent there being a local referendum which would soon be required under new legislation.

"In recent debate on the issue, Labour argued that a mayoral system would be a break from the past and would deliver innovative local government.

"Yet it has escaped no-one that they have restricted their choice to the usual suspects, precisely those who have led their city council group for 28-and-a-half of the last 30 and led the council for 24-and-a-half of the last 26 years.

"Far from a new dawn for Leicester, under Labour it will be the same old crew delivering the same old policies, except that under the mayoral system there will be even more personal financial reward for the leadership and considerably less accountability

"We have no qualms about seeking applications from party members who have not involved themselves in council politics in the past and even from supporters who have not involved themselves actively in any party politics."

Anyone interested should write to Mr Scuplak at 44 Springfield Road, Leicester, LE2 3BA, by February 4.


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